Top 3 Kid’s Room Designs

Kids are learning about the world from their immediate environment, so the first people they can learn something from are their parents, and the first space that actually leaves an impression on them is their room. When we are considering a kids’ room, we always seem to think of the stereotypical pink for the girls and blue for the boys, with one bed and a lot of toys, but there are many more things that determine the design. Here are three most frequent children’s room designs and tips on how to approach them.

Little Girl’s Room

Before you start designing a room for a little girl, know one thing – not all girls are the same, and overcrowding the room with things we consider to be “girly” can only make her grow up thinking that she has to be the same as the others. Depending on the age and interests of the girl, you should choose a paint color or accent colors that encourage creativity and imagination (orange, yellow, green, purple, etc.). Choosing a comfy bed is just a start, but why stop there? Make the bed dreamy and fascinating, by adding a simple thing like canopy, or build a roof on top so that she could have a little playhouse of her own. The size and the shape of the space will dictate where you will put the bed and how much room you will have left for things like a dresser, bookshelf, homework station and reading nook.

Boy’s Cave

As for the layout and the furniture, the boy’s room looks exactly the same as the girl’s, except the canopy, which is usually replaced with an improvised tent or a play station. Choosing a specific theme would make all the other design efforts easier. Superheroes are a rather common topic in boy’s room, but you can also take your cues from a book or an animated movie. Luckily, today there are a lot of accessories such as kids area rugs, that can fit into every theme. Other additions that can make the room be more adventurous are a play tent in the corner, a space for reading/drawing, etc. If you want to design a true little man’s cave, opt for “manlier” beds (e.g. metal, dark wood), and minimize their roughness with a soft and comfy mattress.

Shared Room

Shared kids’ room is the most demanding to design since it requires fitting in two beds and make a harmonic theme that will suit different kids. Depending on the size and shape of the room the beds can be arranged side-by-side (classic layout), adjacent (leaves more room for playing), at a 90 degree angle (often the only way to fit in two beds in a small room) and as bunks (space saving and fun at the same time). As for the very design, it is important to incorporate something for each child. Color-block walls can sometimes be very useful for dividing the room in two, but there should also be room for two play stations (especially if the kids are different age and therefore have different ways of playing). One dresser is often enough if it is properly separated. Consider artworks for each child or personalizing each bed/wall with their initials.

Every child is a different flower, and as such, they all need a different space to thrive in. Make sure you tap into your kid’s personality before designing the room. And remember, in order to design a perfect kid’s room, you will need to dig in deep into your memories and be a child once again, since this is the space that should burst in imagination, creativity and joy.