I am like a wild animal … who became your pet  by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I knew him well. He was very tough. With everyone … and in everything he was doing. And … i knew him for years. Rarely … i was seeing them together… and i was socked …


I knew him well.

He was very tough.

With everyone … and in everything he was doing.

And … i knew him for years.

Rarely … i was seeing them together… and i was socked seeing a totally different person.

It was like … that wild animal … which i knew by such a long time … was metamorphosing into a pet … while being into her company.

I mean … her pet.

It all looked illogical to me.

So … one day … i’ve dared to ask him … “Why are you so, so different while you are with her?!”

He smiled … replying … “Yes… i live in 2 worlds … having in fact … 2 different personalities.

But … only few know that.

Even if it looks contradictory … i don’t mind.

It is my life … and my right to live as i want.”

He was right.

And still … all looked so, so weird to me.

How could this man … have those 2 contradictory


How he could manage to split his life in 2?!

But … somehow it was maybe… normal.

All …

Maybe all of us need parallel universes where we could live … different experiences … also being totally different.

It was … probably a way of surviving …. or a clear expression of … duality.

The dominant man … wanted to live under dominance…

I saw them … few years later … and all was the same.

He remained … the same.

A tough guy … on the stage of life.

And … a puppy puppy … into her presence.

It was funny to see … the paradox …. but maybe for many … a real case scenario.

Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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Connection … not Connections  by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

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